Monday, September 21, 2015

You're a smarty pants.  Seriously, you are.  After a really successful first year of preschool, you were invited to participate in the advanced Pre-K class at Little Learner's Academy.  You are LOVING it there right now.  When we went to Family Math Night, at Welby Elementary, you were right there with a lot of the first graders doing math problems, and totally comprehending what you were doing.  I love watching you figure things out and see how they work.  You have been blessed with this intelligence from our Father in Heaven, and I hope you will continue to grow and develop your mind spiritually as well.  You are a blessing to me, Matthew.  I'm so thankful you're in my life, and my son.


Thursday, September 18, 2014

Oh my goodness how much you are loving preschool!  You are thriving in this environment, and I'm so happy watching you develop in this way!

You are also making progress with your potty training.  You are pooping in the potty pretty consistently, and it's been a long time since we've had an accident with pee.  You truly surprised us.  When we started potty training you at the beginning of July, I was really worried you weren't ready.  You fought us on it for about a week, and then it clicked.  You've been progressing steadily since then!  Way to go!

In other news, holy cow you've become a three year old.  Lots of whining and complaining.  I know that this too shall pass, and I just remind myself of that when it gets tough.  That being said, I also love that you are still such a snuggle bug.  Whenever someone is lying down on the couch, you like to come cuddle up with them.  You also give me hugs for no reason and say, "Hugs for Mommy!"  I love that.

I love you, Matthew!  Thanks for letting me be your mom.  It is such a wonderful experience learning and growing with you.


Thursday, August 28, 2014

Matthew, the time you've been waiting for has finally arrived!  You turned three years old this past Monday!  For the past year, you've been aching to turn three, because you knew it meant you could finally go to preschool.  Tonight we have your preschool orientation, and your first day of school is next Tuesday.  To say you're excited, would be an understatement.  I love watching you learn and grow, and I know that this year will be full of fun and wonderful things for you.

Last night, in preparation for the coming school year, Daddy gave both you and Natalie back-to-school father's blessings.  Through the priesthood, he was able to communicate to you what your Heavenly Father would like you to know.  I took a few notes so that I could help you remember how much your Heavenly Father loves you, and what you've been promised, as long as you are faithful.

In your blessing, you were told:
-You family and Heavenly Father love you.
-Heavenly Father is pleased with the decisions you're making.
-Your mind and body will continue to grow, physically and mentally.
-You have a nice personality and will make lots of friends.
-You will help friends come to the gospel.
-You will be a help to your younger brother, older sister, and parents.
-You should study the gospel and school subjects.
-You will be healthy throughout the school year.

I can feel how much Heavenly Father loves you, and how much of a special spirit you are.  I know there are great things in store for you.  I am blessed to be your mother.


Monday, August 26, 2013


You're two!  I can't believe it, and yet I so can.  You are such an adorable little boy now with very strong opinions and desires.

You love the song, "Happy Birthday," but you always say it, "Happy Birthday to-da-loo." So, when I was trying to get you to say you were going to be 2, you'd always answer with "two-da-loo."  Seriously so cute!

Today you had your two year old well child check up, and everything is looking great.  You are 3 ft. tall, and weigh 32 lbs.  You are pretty much a brilliant little two year old as well, and the doctor told me to get ready to advocate for your rights as a gifted kid in school.

You are so special to me, and part of me just wants you to stay my little baby.  I held and cuddled with you for a bit on Saturday evening, telling your daddy that I just wanted to hold my one-year old for the last time.  I hope that we will always have this special connection.

I love you Matthew, and I'm excited to see what this coming year has in store for you.


Wednesday, July 31, 2013

My Matthew Man

Dear Matthew,

Obviously Mommy is not so great at writing these letters regularly!

You are seriously just the cutest little boy around.  You will be two in a few weeks, and I can't believe how much like a boy you are and not a baby now.  You want to do everything the big kids are doing, and you get very frustrated and struggle to understand why when you're not allowed to.  You especially feel betrayed when I put you down for a nap but let Natalie watch a show for quiet time.  Someday you'll understand, I promise!

What a vocabulary you have, and it's growing and growing.  You can identify all your letters, most of your numbers, you count objects up to ten, and sometimes further.  You know your colors fairly well, and you're figuring out your shapes right now.  I am AMAZED at how quickly you learn and retain information.

You are also a little stinker.  You have the cutest little grin, and you know how to use it.  When I tell you not to do something, most of the time you'll grin at me and try to get away with it anyway.  You also can run away, pretty fast.

We're starting you in gymnastics tomorrow, and you also took a Mommy and Me swim class this summer.  You are so comfortable in the water, and want to do your own thing.  The teacher allowed the students to go off the diving board the last day (because you wanted to!), and you literally wanted to jump in.  I handed you down in jumping position to the teacher.  Your example prompted all the other kids in the class to go off the board too!  I hope you'll continue to be a role model for GOOD things during your life.

Nursery is one of your favorite places to be, and you've really been easy to transition there.  I hope that will be the case when we move to Utah at the end of this year.

You keep life fun, and my heart is just full of love for you.


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Dear Matthew,

My adorable boy.  Just looking at you makes me smile.  You are a happy, sweet, and loving little boy, and you have well established yourself in our home already.

You've been a little sick recently, with a horrible cough.  Yet, you never seem to get upset or overly-frustrated about not feeling well.  You nap a little more (which means you nap like you're supposed to - my little power-napper that you are!), and you have that cough, but that's the only give away that you're not feeling well.  This just seems to be how you are about everything:  happy.  I love that about you.  I hope that I can learn from your ability to just be happy no matter what.

Today I was reminded how much I love you and what you mean to me.  I was holding you and saying our nighttime prayers.  In the middle of the prayer I just kissed your cheek and was filled with love for you.  You are so special to me.

I love you.
